The Lunar Eclipse on February 10/11 falls in Leo decan 3. This is the first of two eclipses in Leo decan 3 this year. This one is a bit of a taster for the powerful Regulus Solar Eclipse in August.
Lunar Eclipse on February 10/11 2017 at 22º Leo Aspects: Trine Uranus/Eris & Sextile Jupiter. Fixed star: Pherkad in the right foot of the Little Bear
ECLIPSE TIMES: Feb 10: 7.33pm EST, 4.33pm PST. Feb 11: 12.33am GMT, 11.33am AEDT
Three fixed stars found around the eclipse degree: The first is Tania Australis (21º 41′) a red star in the paw of the great mother bear. These stars in Ursa major have a Mars quality according to Ptolemy. “It is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused.” Ras Elased Borealis (21º 26′) is in the lion’s head. The Ebertins say it can give rise to mental illness and depression depending on how it is configured. Since this is an eclipse, there is always a ‘wild card’ element to this energy. We have already seen so many celebrities meltdowns in the media, just expect more from those with 22º Leo in their charts!
Noonan says the Lion’s head stars “are said to indicate those with an appreciation for language and a power of expression, but also those who may be heartless and cruel.” So this star adds a mocking, satirical quality then. The brightest of the stars and closed to the eclipse degree is Pherkad (21º 36′) is found in the Little Bear Ursa Minor. The constellation gives “indifference and improvidence of spirit, and to lead to many troubles.” We can also bear in mind that even though these stars have very rough edges, the ancient navigators looked upon them as guardians and guides since they are close to the poles. Rough diamonds then!
Lunar Eclipse February 2017 ~ Aspects
The Sun is opposite the Moon in a lunar eclipse. This opposition is part of a mystic rectangle aspect pattern which links the eclipse with Jupiter opposite Uranus at 21º/23º Aries/Libra. Lets look at the aspects that make up this rectangle.
Moon trine Uranus brings an abundance of radical and innovative energy to the public. Self-assured rebellion occurs from those who don’t give a fig about conforming to the status quo. The trine brings to fruition personal freedom, revolution and electric genius. At this eclipse the more outlandish people behave, the more popular they become.
Sun sextile Uranus creates brilliant, visionary situations and the courage to break through conventions. This rebelliousness comes from having gone through a period of conformity and orthodoxy. The stability of the past, at least provided a stable anchor from which this Uranian ship can explore. So conversely, it is the very fact that we have had such a safe, stable background in the past that we feel secure enough to take great leaps into the Uranian unknown.

Moon sextile Jupiter. The imagination is expansive and pioneering, inspired by overseas or inner travel. The eclipse energy will still support the roots though, no matter how far afield we might voyage. Those touched by this moon should attract benefactors. Sometimes this comes as a reward from generously nurturing and supporting other artists in the past.
Sun trine Jupiter has strong beliefs, so this aspect of the eclipse probes people to do their duty and support those who they deem worthy enough or not as the case may be. There is a strong sense of justice and a look at how fair some laws are. Reforms in the law could be made at this time. Sun trine Jupiter gives the foresight to spot talent and potential in apprentices. Agents are on the look out for fresh blood at this time.
Jupiter opposite Uranus creates exciting new utopias and visions for the future that can inspire others to follow the path to illumination. Uranus is the great enlightener, so it can be a Kundalini awakening also since with Jupiter spirituality and sex merge. Jupiter and Uranus also both share thunderbolts in common!
Lunar Eclipse Mystical Rectangle
We had a mystical rectangle pattern back at the Gemini Full Moon December 2016 where I likened it to opening a Christmas present. I called it ‘Unveiling’ and pondered wether the packaging was more glamorous than the actual contents. The theme this time is similar with Jupiter opposite Uranus being activated again.
Back then Saturn was opposite the Moon. “The internal pressure caused by the oppositions could lead to a breakdown. If the internal tension is not diffused, substance is lost. Sometimes the bottled-up pressure leads to mental confusion, there is a conversion, a transformation from Saul to Paul. That leads to a wholesale abandonment of what was important before, thus enabling a spiritual rebirth.” [1]
Before Christmas there was a lot of tension waiting to be released. People were sitting on the Gemini fence, flip-flopping from left to right, not knowing if Trump would make it to inauguration. The end of the year does have a certain doomladen “End Times’ vibe. This rectangle is different. It actually has Saturn crowning it and looks like the apex of a roof. This eclipse can be more hopeful.
Lunar Eclipse February 2017 ~ Summary
In order for real change to take place in society, there has to be a concerted effort to organise and get one’s message across in a non-violent fashion. The Lunar eclipse activation of one of the most positive aspects of the year is something to be excited about! It looks like truth and integrity will shine through. Uranus is the new technology which we can use as a way to awaken ourselves and others. The cyber world is a double edged sword and we must always remember to unplug ourselves so that we get good dose of earthing energy too. With this eclipse we see the good side of technology and how we can use it to unchain ourselves from slavery.

Knowledge is power, but unfortunately state-sponsored education works to dumb down the younger generations. These days they are also crippled by debt as soon as they enter their adult lives. In effect, todays youngsters are enslaved as soon as they leave college whereas their ‘uneducated’ grandparents left school, went to work and could afford to start a family straight away. They matured very early learning through having responsibilities in life. Jupiter is about higher-learning so at this eclipse we look at what ways we can educate ourselves so that we can make better life choices and be truly free and sovereign human beings.
Another point about slavery is that it is also about being a sex slave. Young people are being groomed into sex slavery through internet porn. As mentioned, Jupiter opposite Uranus can symbolise the Kundalini. The internet can be a great awakener, but there are so many rabbit holes you can fall into. It is only a very small percentage of people who follow the priestess snake of wisdom, while others get vectored into the prostitute snake of the lower chakras! However just a small percent is all it takes to move the masses, as long as a critical mass is reached. Looking back at the mystic rectangle, Saturn makes a minor grand trine with the Sun and Jupiter. This this may be where the trickle-down effect starts from. Saturn is actually pretty close to Galactic Center too at 26º Sagittarius, so maybe there is just something in the star dust!