Sun Conjunct Pluto ~ Shiny Villain

Sun conjunct Pluto is the black Sun shining. The Darth Vader of all Sun aspects, it is high contrast and stark lighting. The brighter the Sun the darker the shadow and that is just what we get here. This red-ice sexuality is quite a paradox. Sun conjunct Pluto and Sun quincunx Pluto exudes power but doesn’t need to make a big song and dance about it, their mere physical presence is enough to ensure obedience and submission.

Sun conjunct Pluto’s eyes bore right into your soul. These eyes can be dark and smoldering or light and piercing. Their sexual magnetism is off the Richter scale, but they have an invisible force field around them that says “Look, don’t touch”, hence people are often too afraid to approach them.

Despite Sun conjunct Pluto’s sex appeal, they are not promiscuous, preferring instead very few, intense and all-consuming love affairs. They usually prefer quality not quantity. Sun/Pluto is not about frills or fluff, their effect is like an over-exposed photo, where you are the photo. These folk strip you bare and get to your essence. There is no hiding from Sun conjunct or quincunx Plutos glare, it is relentless.

Sun quincunx Pluto by itself puts a quirky slant on Plutonian sexuality, but sometimes they can be downright kinky. The natives strength comes from playing the lovable freak card. But they can be quite obsessive in their need to be themselves at all costs. Sun quincunx Pluto may play the fool at times and act rebelliously purely because it makes them feel powerful.

Sun quincunx Pluto like to confuse people with their zaniness and this becomes a convenient mask for hiding their darker thoughts. They are a little like a spooky clown, think ‘Scary Monsters’ by David Bowie. Sometimes Sun quincunx Pluto can self-sabotage themselves for fear of incurring the wrath of a jealous father. In the wider world, this may mean a compulsion to be the utter best (in effect deposing the father) or going down a totally different career path or lifestyle so as not to pose a threat to him.


Sun Pluto ~ (In*)Conjunct Aspects

Sun Conjunct Pluto

sun conjunction pluto

Vivian E Robson has been quoted extensively throughout this website. The author of ‘The Fixed Stars & Constellations’ was an obsessive librarian and a natural researcher. He had a passion for Ancient Astrology. Sun conjunct Pluto makes his bedside manner pretty ruthless! No bones about his interpretations, they are shocking and glaringly to the point.

It’s no surprise that the supposedly tyrannical Nero has this placement, and at just 08′ too. He is known to have executed his mother and step-brother among others. Although painted black by many, some modern historians say he was no more terrible than your average Roman Emperor. Nero used his power to make Rome a cultural capital and it said he was popular with the common people, taking money from the temples to build theaters for all.

We see the darkest side of Pluto in multiple murderer Sarah Aldrete  She was introduced to witchcraft and black magic by cult leader Adolfo Constanzo and then became his second in command. Together they made blood sacrifices and boiled their victims body parts in a pot.

Herb Ritts is a photographer famed for his stark black and white nudes that made his subjects look like Greek sculptures. His long list of advertising campaigns and celebrities includes Calvin Klein, Chanel and Madonna’s “Cherish” video.

Alicia Silverstone’s “Clueless” image doesn’t scream Pluto, her dark side is hidden, even if she did play Bat Girl. However, at age 15 she did win the “Best Villain” MTV Movie award for the film “The Crush” where she played a vengeful teen out to ruin the life of an older man who had spurned her. Bill Haley knew a stripped-down life, he rose from living on one meal a day to being the first rock and roll star. He died of a brain tumor and spend his last days in a severely warped state of mind reportedly painting all the windows of his house black.

Sun Quincunx Pluto

Lady Gaga is a great example of the scary clown look. Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, Gaga was brought up a Catholic, a religion she still practices today. “Age 11, she attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart…”I used to get made fun of for being either too provocative or too eccentric, so I started to tone it down. I didn’t fit in, and I felt like a freak.” ~ Wiki. Gaga was raped at the age of 19 and suffered post-traumatic stress as a result. Her performances address the taboo often with bloodstained performance art. Gaga actively campaigns for LGBT rights.

Other natives include power hungry J Edgar Hoover and Sir Thomas More. Sexily eccentric David “Dr Who” Tennant (09?) and the quieter, mysterious Beatle George Harrison. Charismatic entertainers are James Dean, Jennifer Aniston, Robert Downey Jr, and Jane Fonda.

* The Inconjunct is another word for the quincunx. In traditional astrology, neither the conjunction or the quincunx are technically ‘aspects’ because the planets are too close in distance to ‘see’ the other. The conjunction functions as a blind spot, while the quincunx an adjustment. They share the ‘blindness’,so that is why I have grouped them together. Aspectare is Latin for ‘To observe’, or look at attentively.