Solar Eclipse October 2024 ~ Bitter Sweet

The New Moon Solar Eclipse 2 October 2024 is at 10º Libra Decan 2 Aspect: Conjunct Mercury & Black Moon Lilith. Fixed Star: Gienah in the left wing of Corvus the Crow. Asteroid: Hestia. Tarot Card: 3 Of Swords. Healing Crystal: Ametrine.

Eclipse In Libra Decan 2

By dignity, the Moon is not happy in Libra Decan 2. It is unsure of itself and too concerned with what others think of them. At this time, we strive to succeed so we can win the approval of an audience. Yes, I’m afraid Moon Libra 2 could bring out the classic narcissist who forever craves adoration. On the positive side, we can use our charms to generate a following that does good deeds in the collective. Those touched by this New Moon Solar Eclipse will want to be loved and approved of so much that they may not be discerning enough about whom they give their body. 

Sweet Alliances, Bitter Enemies

The negative manifestation of this New Moon focusing so much on relationships is a bed-post chock full of notches. So watch out for prize cads and gold-diggers. There is a positive side to this Eclipse when we can be very sensitive to our lover’s needs. According to Austin Coppock. “For they are won’t to create a lasting and secure union. These natives need to be careful about those that they invest themselves in, and under what terms, for they prone to be taken advantage of.” [1] The more innocent among us need to guard against empathising with the bad boy/girl. Starry-eyed and romantic like Persephone we could so easily slip blindly into the underworld.

Solar Eclipse Tarot Card

The tarot card associated with this decan is the three of swords. It is one the most upsetting cards in the deck, but it has to fit somewhere so it is not surprising that it should fall in the decan that houses the crafty crow. Again I must stress that your chart is more than just one decan. The karmic lesson here may include sorrow, heartbreak and (like decan 1), love triangles. This decan is also ruled by Saturn in both systems so has quite a heavy karmic burden.

So the lesson here is that any gold-digging or gigolo behaviour here will come with a massive price tag. It is your choice whether you turn away from the trinkets or not. “Release is key with The Three of Swords. A great sorrow, usually rooted in the (karmic) past, is often indicated…. Painful memories can be heavily repressed.  The Three of Swords highlights the need to let go of old pains and hurts as they are bound to be affecting the present.   It is a time to talk about them….(This lifetime) you must open up and let it out before it poisons you from within.  Allow yourself to forgive and be forgiven.” ~ teachmetarot

What the Solar eclipse October 2024 means for your sign

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Asteroid Hestia

Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth, home, and domestic life, revered as one of the twelve Olympian deities. She represents the warmth and stability of the household, embodying the sacred fire that burns at the center of every home. Unlike other Olympian gods, Hestia is known for her gentle, non-confrontational nature, and she is often depicted as a modest, veiled woman, symbolising purity and domesticity.

Although she plays a less prominent role in mythological tales, Hestia was highly honoured in ancient Greek society, with a special place in both public and private rituals, where her eternal flame was kept burning in every city and home. Her presence ensured peace and order of the family and community, making her a vital, though often understated, figure in Greek religion. Her influence on this Solar Eclipse tempers the tendency to use charm for manipulation. It stresses the need to balance service to self with service to others.

Featured Moon & Hestia image by Marina Marchione. Follow Heavenly & Holy on Etsy. Moon Phases & Goddess calendars are out now!

Solar Eclipse OCtober Astrology

Moon Conjunct Mercury

Moon conjunction Mercury makes the collective adaptable and agile. However, it is also highly malleable. This a great aspect for going out and having a good belly laugh at a comedy club. Mercury is the trickster and offers the opportunity to act like a child and prank people. Be careful of swindlers however, the conjunction can be a hard aspect depending on the star it falls on or the sign. Mercury the chameleon adapts to its environment!

The Lunar Apogee ~ Black Moon Lilith

Black Moon Lilith is the most commonly used Lilith out of the Three Liliths and is the lunar apogee. The Lunar Apogee is a point in space where the moon is furthest from the Earth. It is a dark new moon, the darkest it can be! Conversely, the Lunar perigee is the opposite point, when the moon is closest to the earth and classed as a super moon. The brightest Full Moon that can be. So you get the point, the Black Moon is literally DARK.

“The degree to which one’s actions are driven by the moon is proportional to one’s level of reactivity and non-being. For people incapable of moving themselves through life by nobler spiritual impulses, the moon provides a propulsive force.”  Tom Montalk.

The perigee and apogee occur independently from the New and Full Moons, but when a perigee happens close to a Full Moon, it is classed as a Supermoon, and for some reason, we have had a rare sequence of four Supermoons in a row. The August 19, September 18, October 17 (Lunar Eclipse) and November 15 Full Moons are all Supermoons. It could explain why we have had such an eventful summer. Of course, emotions are also heightened because we are coming up to an extremely significant Presidential election in the USA. ” Trouble days occurred between the new/full and perigee/apogee dates. For instance, if New Moon was on the 23rd and perigee was on the 27th, then the disruption would predictably take place around the 25th.”

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is also rare because we have the perigee on the same day as the New Moon making it even MORE Lilithy and witchy.

Grand Water Trine

Mars trine Venus trine Saturn is about healing relationships and building trust. You could find an older, wise mentor for support at this time. It is a fantastic period for developing stamina and demonstrating your reliability to those you want to impress. The status and reputation of those touched by this eclipse are greatly enhanced by the trine’s trust-building energy.

Solar Eclipse Healing Crystal

The Ametrine crystal, a harmonious blend of Amethyst and Citrine, is a powerful tool for achieving balance, particularly under the influence of this solar eclipse. Libra is known for indecisiveness. Ametrine offers much-needed clarity, helping you make important decisions during this time of heightened emotions and potential confusion.

As the eclipse may trigger indecisiveness, this crystal will sharpen your judgment, guiding you toward the best choices. Ametrine is also ideal for clearing the mind of negative influences, especially media-driven fear amplified during an eclipse. This crystal can alleviate anxiety, allowing your mind and body to relax and process the intense energies of the eclipse.

“Ametrine is perfect for people who struggle with ambivalence, procrastination, or doubt caused by fear of making a mistake or worrying about what others may think. With the certainty that you are on the right path, your creativity and energy will be unleashed, and you will be able to move forward.” ~

During the eclipse, Ametrine can be used in meditation to safeguard against psychic attacks, clear mental stress, and enhance concentration. Its dual energy, drawn from both the moon and the sun, makes it especially potent during an eclipse, keeping you energized and focused. Moreover, Ametrine serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, helping you tap into deeper insights and find your true direction and purpose in life. To fully harness its benefits, keep the crystal close, meditate with it during the eclipse, or place it under your pillow to absorb its calming and empowering energy.

Solar Eclipse October 2024 Summary

This Solar eclipse brings a complex mix of energies, primarily driven by the Moon’s placement in Libra decan 2, the influence of Black Moon Lilith, and a Grand Water Trine. The Moon in Libra decan 2 can lead to a heightened desire for approval, sometimes veering into narcissism or poor decision-making in relationships. However, it also offers an opportunity to use charm and sensitivity to foster positive connections. The Three of Swords tarot card associated with this decan highlights the potential for heartbreak and the importance of releasing past sorrows to prevent them from affecting the present. Meanwhile, the presence of Black Moon Lilith during this eclipse adds a dark, intense energy, especially with the rare coincidence of a supermoon. This eclipse also brings the healing potential of a Grand Water Trine, which can help strengthen relationships and build trust.


  • Healing Relationships: The Grand Water Trine involving Mars, Venus, and Saturn provides a powerful energy for healing, trust-building, and strengthening bonds in relationships.
  • Clarity in Decision-Making: The Ametrine crystal associated with this eclipse supports balance and clear judgment, helping those who are indecisive or easily influenced.
  • Modest Use of Charm: The Moon in Libra and the influence of Hesta encourage a mix of modesty and charm to generate a following and do good deeds for the collective, promoting positive social connections.


  • Narcissism and Approval-Seeking: The Moon in Libra decan 2 can lead to excessive concern with others’ opinions, potentially manifesting as narcissism or poor judgment in relationships.
  • Vulnerability to Manipulation: There is a risk of being taken advantage of, especially for those who are starry-eyed and romantic, leading to unhealthy relationships or poor choices.
  • Intense Emotional Turbulence: The influence of Black Moon Lilith and the coinciding supermoon can amplify dark, intense emotions, leading to heightened reactivity and potential emotional disruption.