Capricorn Decan 3 ~ January 11 to 21. The weekly horoscope runs as an Egyptian week, ie 10 days. It will start as the Sun moves into a new decan and looks at what fixed stars it hits during the decanate week. The star interpretations are written for those born with their Sun on that degree, but the general mood of the day will carry that flavour too. This decan successfully combines artistic and musical ability with a great business mind. These arty goats are aspirational and think very highly of themselves, but don’t brag about their talents. They are far too elegant for that brash type of behaviour and they will always have enough admirers to blow their trumpet for them
Noble Savages & All Seeing Eyes

The tarot card associated with Capricorn Decan 3 is the four of pentacles. “Fear of scarcity is often related to The Four of Pentacles so you may worry unnecessarily about money if you have come from a background of poverty. This leads you to hoard or penny-pinch, even when you have enough money.”
This card supports the general tenacity of the goat, nothing is thrown out if it can be renovated, and if something has to be binned it will be recycled or given to charity. “The Four of Pentacles is a positive and welcome card for savings, investments or retirement plans. It indicates that you are accumulating goods, wealth and possibly even power. Your financial situation has been steadfastly growing over a period of time (many lifetimes) but this is not by chance or even pure luck.” ~ teachmetarot.
January 11
Capricorn 21º 55’ ~ Sulaphat in Lyra the Harp 3.3*
Sulaphat is from the Arabic As-Sulahfah which means ‘tortoise’. This refers to the tortoise shell found by Hermes which he fashioned into a musical instrument. “Lyra is like Venus and Mercury. It is said to give a harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art, but inclined to theft.” Depending what planet one has here it would indeed suggest musical ability, but also the ability to lie and cheat. Sulaphat is situated in the claws of the Vulture that is sometimes depicted in the illustrations of this constellation. I have written in more detail about Sulaphat as part of the Lyra constellation post.
Jan 12/13
Capricorn 22º 30’ ~ Beta Pavo in the Peacock 3.6
Capricorn 23º 28’ ~ Deneb Okab in the wing of Aquilla the Eagle 3.4
Capricorn 23º 49’ ~ Alpha Pavo in the Peacock 2.1
Alpha Pavo and Beta Pavo in the Peacock. Their meaning is rather obvious, the Peacock is supposed to be vain, and loves to display itself. But Robson says it also gives fame and a long life. It makes men particularly attractive since of course it is the male bird that has the beautiful plumage. I found some very handsome matinee idols in my research. “The peacock was endowed with the power to kill snakes, and apparently they are known to eat small poisonous snakes. Because of its ability to swallow snakes and assimilate their venom, it was seen as a symbol of transmutation, and the venom gave its flesh an immunity to decay. It also accounted for its colourful plumage”

This immunity from decay is interesting, suggesting longevity to ones name after death and possibly the ability to preserve ones good looks into old age also. “The shimmering colors of his tail feathers were explained by his supposed ability to transform snake venom into solar iridescence”. Since this decan is also ruled by the sun, I think there is an association with royalty too. These people make natural leaders but there could also be a fascination with royals, or even a believe they are connected to some special bloodline.
The Sun also accounts for the creativity found here and a great sense of theatre. The Peacock is also the sacred bird of Hera. She placed the eyes of Argus Panoptes (the hundred eyed giant who sees all) on the peacock’s tail as a reward for his services. Argus is also associated with the Latin for silver ‘Argentum’, and it was said that Indus, the neighbouring constellation was the discoverer of silver.
The Vulture holds the harp. Deneb Okab is found in Aquilla and gives this decan its aspiring nature and bird-eye overview of situations. It has the “Ability to command. Success in martial arts. “ [2]. The constellation as a whole “is said to give great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind and ability for chemical research.”
January 14
Capricorn 24º 39’ ~ Vulpecula I in the Fox. 4.6
There is more fauna here in the shape of Vulpecula I and Anser, which are in the Fox. This constellation was originally known as the Fox and The Goose (Vulpecula cum Ansere). Anser was the alpha star situated in the Goose that sat between the jaws of the Fox. The Goose is no longer an official constellation, but Anser remains. “In many cultures, the fox appears in folklore as a symbol of cunning and trickery, or as a familiar animal possessed of magic powers….The word shenanigan (a deceitful confidence trick, or mischief) is considered to be derived from the Irish expression sionnachuighim, meaning “I play the fox.”
The fox and goose combine in the stalls of some 13th century English cathedrals and churches, which show the fox preaching in a monks habit to a congregation of geese and other creatures. This ties in with the godly connection mentioned earlier with the Peacocks ‘All seeing eyes’ and Indus’s ‘En Dios’ (In God.) There could be a connection with freemasonry here too with the ‘All seeing eye’ in the pyramid of the dollar bill.
January 15/16
Capricorn 25º 51’ ~ Terebellum in the hindquarter of the horse in Sagittarius the Archer. 4.8
Terebellum is found on the hindquarter of the horse part of the archer. Stars on the back are associated with Jupiter and to a lesser extent Mercury. Robson says “It gives a fortune but with regret and disgrace, cunning, a mercenary nature and repulsiveness.” The spelling is actually an ancient typo. But it means ‘Earth War’ in Latin. There is a need to come back down to earth and not loose touch with it. Runaway technology that keeps us out of tune with natures cycles can result in some Capricorn decan 3’s becoming unsympathetic to flora and fauna.
Others will take it upon themselves to campaign to bring sacred in nature connection back. Conservationists can be found here just as much as those who are destructive to the earth. The only human symbol found in this decan is still half animal. It is interesting that this theme sits alongside the Native Indian stars since their spirituality is more tied in with the earth rather than the sky.
January 17
Capricorn 27º 47’ ~ Beta Indus on the Indian 3.7
Beta Indus falls in the small constellation of Indus the Indian. Eyes turn up again since Indus shares its root with Indigo, which represents the third eye in the 6th chakra. Indigo the blue dye, does originate from India, as does the Chakra system itself. “This chakra is believed to be related to intuition and gnosis (spiritual knowledge)…. And Liberal American Indian leaders now believe the name ‘Indian’ was not used by Columbus because he thought he had reached India, but because he called the native people ‘en dios,’ instead of indios as the records show” ~ Anne Wright. ‘En Dios,’ means ‘In God.’ Apparently the ‘In Dios’ twist to the Indian’s nomenclature seems not to based on any truthful record. Even so, the story (even a made up one!) fits quite nicely into this Sun-ruled, godly and aspirational decan all the same!
January 18/19
Capricorn 29º 06’ ~ Alpha Indus in the Indian 3.2
Capricorn 29º 31’ ~ Anser in Vulpecula in the Fox 4.6
Continuing with the constellation of Indus where we find Alpha Indus. The Indigo third eye could also be the ‘all seeing eye’ that we get in Masonic symbolism and the mystery traditions. This ‘All Seeing Eye’ appears on the American dollar Bill and Indus is represented as a native American Indian in the sky. Kevin Costner famed for his multi-oscar winning film, Dances with Wolves (About the plight of native American Indians) has his Sun on Alpha Indus by only 7 minutes.
Anser is in the Fox, a creature pursued in British hunt, which also happens to be a very elitist sport. The bushy-tailed fellow is also branded crafty and deceitful, just because he runs in circles instead of a straight line. It also plays dead in order to catch birds by rolling around in red mud. You have to admire its ingenuity and acting ability. Capricorn is not generally noted as being an artistic, bohemian kind of sign, but this decan definitely has flair for theatre. It may be that these folk are quite unassuming in everyday life. However if you put them on the stage, in front of a microphone or on the pulpit, they will then unfurl that vibrant, peacocks tail in all its glory.