Vega is the principal star of Constellation Lyra. If your birthday is between January 4 to 8, your Sun is conjunct this beautiful Sapphire star. Constellation Lyra the harp is found between 10º – 29º Capricorn. So the Sun aligns with this constellation from January 1st to 20th each year.
It is from the stars of Lyra that give the Zodiac sign of the goat its aspirations, the urge to rise above mediocrity and the need to be seen in the right places with the right people. This area of the sky craves high status and wants to influence. Constellation Lyra’s myth; Mercury made a little harp with three strings and gave it to Orpheus who used it to charm the beasts.
Jupiter placed Lyra in the heavens to honor Orpheus’s death. “It is said to give an harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art, but inclined to theft.” [1] Ptolemy said it is like Venus and Mercury. The theft will come from its associations with Mercury. The constellation obviously has a trickster element to it.
As you can see below, crime and punishment and being a law unto yourself is also a feature of this stellar zone. It is said that when this constellation rises in a chart;
“There shall be born a man to investigate wrong-doing and punish the guilty…he will get to the bottom of crimes by sifting the evidence for them and bring to light all that lies hidden under the silence of deceit. Hence, too, are begotten the merciless torturer, the dispenser of penalties…..” ~ Manilus.
The Latin word fidicula, sometimes associated this constellation, also signifies an instrument of torture. This explains the eclectic mix of artists, media “whores”, and politicians alongside some sadistic murderers. The Australian Lyrebird was mistakenly thought to have a tail shaped just like a Lyre and this “lie” was commemorated on a postage stamp.
This extremely shy bird IS in fact a liar though, it is famed for its extraordinary ability to mimic any variety of bird and any sound. This is fitting since its principle star Vega is associated with pretentiousness.
Vega Keywords
Blood is thicker than water, family honor, loyalty, musical, theatrical, arty and crafty, waxes lyrical, charming the birds from the trees, pied piper, paying the piper, songbirds, lullaby, lair, aspiring, social climbers, class conscious, divas, wannabies, fans, stalkers, admirers, high status, flash cars, impressive, political clout, gangsters, grasping, publicity hungry, media whores, ancestral talents, dynasties, forging, faking, plastic surgery, perfection, idealism, the pinnacle of success, snobbery, rags to riches, riches to rags, thieving, criminal activity, torture, punishment, law unto themselves.
Stars of the Lyre
The alpha star of this small constellation is a beautiful pale Sapphire star called Vega found at 15º 19’ Capricorn.“It gives beneficence, ideality, hopefulness, refinement and changeability, and makes its natives grave, sober, outwardly pretentious and usually lascivious.” [1]
“Vega is supposed to give artistic talents especially for music and acting, but also a liking for good living. With eccentric artists, this may lead to a debauched life. Tied up with Jupiter or Venus, Vega is said to pave the way to riches and fame. However, if other influences play a part, this wealth may be lost again” [2]
The star seems to be associated with wealth, snobbery and a certain pretentiousness. Vega has high aspirations and likes to associate with the rich, glamorous and famous. it is the ultimate wannabe, which can become either a groupie or in the worst cases a stalking fan. I would think this star also has a talent for mimicry (There are a surprising amount of female impersonators) and also the kind of voice that can lull a person to sleep.

The other two important stars of Lyra are Sheliak: 18º Capricorn 53’ and Sulaphat: 21º Capricorn 55’. I think these two stars may have less of the artistic Venusian talents of Vega and lean more towards the Mercurial energy.
So here there will be vocalists, those who use their bodies as instruments, the torch-song singers but also tortured souls, or those who like to torture. Early depictions of Lyre have it nestled in the breast of a Vulture.
This bird, like Mercury, is an ambivalent symbol, it can be protective and maternal yet also destructive. In nature the scavenger can be cleansing and purifying, but it also deals with the dirty jobs that no one wants to do. It has that vigilante feel to it.
These are people who take the law into their own hands, the way that gangsters do. They are doing it for the “family” and protecting their own blood. In their mind it is honourable, never mind who else’s guts gets bust in the process. You can see this mentality I think in Sulaphat and Sheliak, both these stars fall around the talons of the Vulture. These stars are more tenacious, practical and hands-on than the more idealistic, visionary energy of Vega
Vega The Planets
Vega Ascendant
“High success is promised if Vega is positioned on the Asc or MC. One can find Vega in corresponding aspects in birth charts of statesmen, politicians, persons of importance.” [2] ”Avengers of crimes and in charge of public courts and inquires. If Saturn is in any aspect with Vega when rising, the native will pursue this vocation with a fanaticism to the point of utilizing tortures and executions to stamp out what he considers evil.” [3]
Vega on the Ascendant seems to give it more of an edge and makes it work like the stars in the vultures claws. Maybe this placement sums up the whole of Lyra’s energies since it is such a strong position. For all stars here, it seems to make the subject want to use their creative talents to make the world a better place, and there is a political agenda behind their art. It’s true that there are a good number of powerful figureheads here and people who champion a cause. Taylor/Burton Davison (12’)*; Hollywood couple. Derek Jarman (13’); Acclaimed British Avant Garde filmmaker. Hans Bethe (17’); Nuclear Physicist. Archie M Griffin (17’); American Footballer. Barbara Castle; British socialist politician. Paul Newman; Sapphire-eyed film actor and philanthopist. Meg Ryan; American actress. Bobby Brown; R & B Singer. Jay Rockefeller; Great grandson of Oil tycoon and Senator.
Sheliak: Dustin Hoffman (02’); Oscar winning American actor. Dick Healey (04’); Australian politician. Kevin Rudd (25’); Australian Prime Minister. Roy Castle (25’); British variety entertainer, record breaking musician. Emperor Nero (27’); Infamous eccentric Emperor and lyre player. Nero loved the theatre and was a champion of the arts. Enoch Powell; Controversial right wing British politician with strong views on immigration. Bill/Hilary Clinton Davison; Political duo.
Sulaphat: Lynda Hill (06’): Astrologer who popularized Sabian symbols. Napoleon III of France (21’); Last Monarch of France. Chairman Mao (22’); Chinese communist revolutionary. Clark Gable (24’); Matinee Idol and star of the biggest grossing films of all time. Queen Elizabeth II of UK (29’); Longest lived Monarch in British history. Napoleon IV of France (35’); Son of Napoleon III died aged 23. Elizabeth I of UK; “Virgin” Queen and last of the great Tudor dynasty. Bono; Lead singer of U2. Musician, humanitarian and collaborator.