Scorpio decan 1 is ruled by Mars in both systems (Scorpio triplicity). The Sun drives through the constellations of the Herdsman, the Ship, the Virgin, the Cross and the Crown from October 23 – November 2. Scorpio is probably the sign that is most type-cast as the baddie, so it’s not surprising that the decan ruled by the planet of war does indeed contain a few ‘malefics’. This decan is a sharp weapon, but it doesn’t mean that it will always harm.
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Scorpio Decan 1 Fixed Stars
Scorpio 1º 58’ ~ Miaplacidus in the keel of Argo the Great Ship 1.8*
Scorpio 3º 09’ ~ Princeps in the spear-shaft of Bootes the Herdsman 3.5
Scorpio 3º 48’ ~ Syrma in the train of Virgo the Virgins dress 4.2
Scorpio 5º 06’ ~ Ceginus in the left hand of Bootes the Herdsman 5.4
Scorpio 5º 40’ ~ Pálida in Crux the Crucifix 3.0
Scorpio 6º 44’ ~ Gacrux in Crux the Crucifix 1.6
Scorpio 6º 57’ ~ Khambalia in the left foot of Virgo the Virgin 4.6
Scorpio 9º 07’ ~ Nusakan in Corona Borealis in the Northern Crown 3.7
Scorpio 9º 27’ ~ Theta in Corona Borealis in the Northern Crown 4.1
* Magnitude & Star positions for year 2000
The only sharp instrument here is actually the spear shaft as none of sidereal Scorpio actually falls here. This lack of Sidereal Scorpio is a bit of a paradox since this is the most Scorpio section of Scorpio using the triplicity system. The dark edge to this decan comes from carrying the weight of the crucifix. The Cross represents one having to bear the responsibility of psychic or prophetic ability.
The constellation of Crux is listed as having an ability for divination and two of Scorpio decan 1’s major stars reside in this cross. Being able to tap into other dimensions gives one power that can be used for good or ill. With Scorpio decan 1, it’s either black magic or white magic. They don’t do grey..
Scorpio Decan 1 General Meaning
The typical Scorpio animal magnetism comes from its ruler, sexy Mars and Bootes the herdsman being a swarthy fellow, working close to the earth and driving those beasts forward. These folk are certainly very driven, but they glide to the top quite silently. Nobody notices them until suddenly, bam, they are there, right at the top. This gives them an advantage over their rivals because they are often underestimated at first.
Scorpio decan 1 are the perfect invisible man, they make a great classic Scorpio spy because of their amazing ability to construct a psychic cloaking device. So even though some of them really do have ‘fatal’ written all over them, they seem to be able to convince otherwise. Spin-doctors and propagandists do well here too.
Scorpio Decan 1 Tarot Card

This decan is associated with the tarot card the five of cups: Its divinatory meaning “brings sorrow, loss, grief and suffering. Its very presence indicates that you have suffered a crushing blow on an emotional level… We must all learn to accept loss as part of life yet we flail and rail against it. We must trust that once we are prepared to let go, the Universe will replace our loss with something of worth and real value.” ~
Cups are usually more positive in their meanings so this is an unusually melancholic image for this suite. However it very much fits the sombre mood and bitter sweet vibe of this decan. Loss is echoed in the crucifixion, but there is also that hope of renewal when the universe brings in a new love to fill the void that has been left behind.
Scorpio decan 1 are made of true grit, they often risk life and limb for a cause they believe in. They also make excellent interrogators, relentlessly probing until they get an answer. If they do happen to fall on the wrong side, they can withstand a great deal of torture before they open their mouths.
These folk really can take being stretched to the limit. Somehow their deep faith in whatever they believe in gets them through the most horrendous suffering…. There seems to be a mix of beauty next to horror in this decan. It’s bitter-sweet, like a crown…of thorns! Pleasure feels so much more exquisite in this decan if pain has come before it. “ The crown has associations with both liberty and also slavery “in ancient times slaves taken by right of conquest were sold wearing garlands, and hence were said to be sold ‘under a crown.’”
The Agony & The Ecstasy
I’m now thinking sex slaves… then I find Diana K Rosenberg says that 9º-10º Scorpio are “Nonconformists with a bit of the wild and freaky in their natures, they may be obsessed with sex, and/or be drawn to sadism, fetishes, dominance, and the equation of pleasure and pain.” [1]. In Christianity some of its icons are pretty graphic in their S & M qualities: St Sebastian, St Teresa…the agony and the ecstasy, self-flagellations, need I say more.
Coppock says “In this decan, we are brought to confront the cycle of hungers which are the price and pleasure of incarnate being. The object of desire always skirts the edges of this face while its inhabitants give chase. Some gain the object of their desire, some fail. All come to know hunger again.
Austin Coppock finds more evidence of the violence and red-bloodedness of this decan. In the different images used to describe it, he gives examples; Abn Ezra has a red-skinned woman eating, the Picatrix shows a man holding a lance with a severed head and Agrippa has two men striking a dignified woman.
Though this may seem a particularly tortured decan, it is merely one which exposes a hard truth. Confronting the cycle, we are less bound to it, and less blind, than if we ignore it. Lashed to a wheel whose revolutions we understand, our movements can be plotted, predicted. With comprehension, we cease to be slaves of our momentary desires” [2]
Scorpio eBooks
Scorpio Decan 1 Fixed Stars *
The first star we meet here is Miaplacidus 1º, it has no interpretation but Robson says of the constellation Argo.“Is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind” The star is in the Keel, which holds the whole ship together like a spine and is always built first. With Miaplacidus rising one should be sturdy and robust. This star used to be the alpha star of defunct constellation Robur Carolinum. (Charles’ Oak, a tree famous for hiding Charles II after he lost a battle)
Scorpio Decan 1 Planets & Angles
Sun Scorpio 1
The hunger aspect is very strong with the Sun in this decan, as the Sun blazes with a high libido here. The craving for sex is high, because it is almost like a last gasp of fertility before the season falls into the darkness of winter. Because the desires are so strong, the subject seeks to understand why they have such fierce cravings.
Their obsessive behaviour then can be channelled into devouring information and attaining wisdom. For those who are less evolved, then the temptation to fall prey to their bestial cravings can be overwhelming. BBC children’s presenter and knighted DJ, Jimmy Saville was found after his death to be a serial child molester, rapist and sexual predator. His Sun was also interestingly on Gacrux in the crucifix.
The karmic burden on these folk is very high and they need to come to terms with the cycle of being famished and regulating their satiation. Sun Scorpio 1’s ego depends on their ability to conquer the object of their desires.
Those who learn to rein in and temper their inner savage become experts in the fields of psychology and can greatly help others with addiction problems. If their partner does not satisfy them sexually then these folk can go greedy for glittery, golden luxury items instead. Saville also dressed in a garish and ostentatious manner, with massive gold medallions and tight, brightly coloured lycra tops.