Question ~ $95

The question reading is best for problem-solving. I will use the most suitable predictive technique (such as transits, solar arcs, progressions, horary or eclipses.) for solving the problem at hand. Questions you might ask: When is the best time to sell my house this year? Why am a feeling so lost with no direction? What career am I most suited to? Why am I suddenly obsessed with a certain person? (I cannot look at more than one chart in this session so a more detailed view of a relationship will have to be addressed in a synastry reading.)

If you have no specific question I can just look at your general situation at present and see the influences around you. Like the Solar Return this is a shorter reading lasting 20 mins on mp3 which gives you a taste of my work. For a more detailed year ahead just use the consultation reading which is double the time with a longer term outlook.

Please fill in the form below (Using format: 1st Jan 2017) and click BUY NOW to pay by credit card or Paypal, prices are in US dollars. I will then contact you with an estimated delivery time and ‘New Client Form’ where you can ask your question.

PS. If the captcha plays up you can pay using the donate button with the same amount. Just make sure its set to USD and not UK pounds. I’ll get in touch using your paypal email for your details.
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