Lunar Eclipse 30 November ~ Key Factors
1 It will take place at 8º Gemini Decan 1 ~ Dandy Warriors & Geek Chic
2 The Lunar Eclipse will be on major, royal fixed star Aldebaran
3 The Lunar Eclipse is part of a Rack aspect pattern
4 Venus opposite Uranus in the Rack
5 The Lunar Eclipse corresponds to the 4th lunar mansion* ~ Al Dabaran (The follower)
6 The Lunar Eclipse tarot card is the 8 of Swords
Lunar Eclipse November 2020 report (30 Mins)
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Lunar Eclipse November 2020 ~ Gemini Decan 1

The Moon here can emphasise the very darkest aspects of Gemini 1. This is because the Moon represents the unconscious and this decan especially deals with having to face one’s shadow. The problem here is that it is very hard to see shadows in the dark, and it is much more likely we will project the bogeymen onto others at this time. Another problem is running away from intimacy. At this Lunar eclipse we are very uncomfortable with really deep emotions, they are just too extreme and volatile at this time.
So, don’t get drunk and send a Skype video of your puffy, drivelling, all-cried-out face to your Ex if they have dumped you. Nail in the coffin, repeat. If that Ex wasn’t a callous psychopath before you met them, they will certainly become one if you offload ‘heavy emotional stuff’ onto them during this lunar eclipse.
Those touched by this Lunar eclipse might feel like the worst demon on earth. All because of simply wanting more breathing space. It’s that polarity working again with Moon Gemini 1 holding up the lunar mirror. We will have little patience with other peoples hangups and neurosis, but at the same time this lunar eclipse will greatly help us heal our deep, dark shadows from other’s harsh words of intolerance.
The Lunar Eclipse NOVEMBER 30 ~ BEST & WORST
BEST FOR: Facing your shadow, exorcisms, watching heroic, feel-good films, nerding out, stretching your soul, stretching your body, finding good twins, seeing omens from the universe, horse-riding, restraint during conflicts, seizing the day, riches and honor.
WORST FOR: Torture, torturous yoga positions, pulling muscles, blubbering to your Ex, anything with your ex, meeting evil twins, being lazy, chaotic actions, using too much force, behaving like a drama queen, histrionic outbursts.
Lunar Eclipse November 2020 Astrology

1st Face Of Gemini ~ Picatrix
A beautiful woman, a mistress of sewing; and with her ascends two calves and two horses. And this is a face of the art of the scribe, of reckoning, of number, of giving and receiving [i.e., trade], and of the sciences.