The Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018 falls at 11º Leo and is exactly conjunct minor planet Ceres. The Lionine Eclipse theme from last year continues where we had the extremely potent Regulus Solar Eclipse back in August 2017. This January Lunar Eclipse has shades of the former eclipse but is less physical forceful. It still has courage but withholds making any bold moves until the very last moment.
Lunar Eclipse Fixed Stars
This January Lunar Eclipse is aligned with minor star Alpha Lynx in the constellation of Lynxus. The Lynx is practically invisible as a constellation. Legend has it that this cat was originally King Lyncus who was turned into a bobcat by Ceres because “he refused to teach the arts of agriculture to his people” It seems the arrogant King was rather jealous of the grain goddess’s power over nature, so he killed her greatest and most respected farmer. Lynx are associated with great sight and luminous eyes. Well, you would need great sight to see this constellation, as it is so faint. This was King Lyncus punishment, not being able to shine. Lynx are also loners too. It is interesting we have another connection to the Ceres here, which further activates the need to respect nature and natural law.
Lunar Eclipse Horoscope
At this Lunar Eclipse the Moon conjunct Ceres is not easily swayed and will stick to its principles no matter what. This aspect can work like the matriarchal version of Sun conjunct Saturn. At best these are the wise elders who pass on their wisdom to the young and serve as respected mentors in the wider world. Command may seem overly strict, but it is also a true case of tough love. They get very positive results where others have failed, through patience and pragmatism.
There is a priestess/herbalist side to Ceres. If they are not hard-core materialists then this Lunar Eclipse January 2018 can place a lot of its energies into healing the world. A Ceres Lunar eclipse supports ecologists, healers, charity workers and hostesses, while it also has a very strong work ethic.
A Volcanic Purge!
Lunar Eclipse January 2018 ~ Summary

The environment or culture is a big theme for next 3 months. I say culture in the sense of that that surrounds a cell in a petri dish. Luxury and indulgence are also amplified. There is a need to possibly forgo the immediate stimulation of the senses in favour of one’s duty to nurture the sick. And some aspects of what is popular culture these days are indeed ‘sick’. Venus is on the south node, the arse end of the dragon, tends to bring out the worse side of the planet it touches. So this Aphrodite can be vain, narcissistic and shallow.
If we couple Venus’s vanity with negative Ceres’s s-mothering loving, you could end up with a bunny boiler situation. This is not a great eclipse to have an affair, since there is a danger of getting caught with your pants down. So a case of handbags at dawn if you are not careful.
Lovers might find that their sweetheart is actually married, or a spouse discovers an affair. Lunar Eclipses have a habit of bringing secrets to the surface. There is definitely a theme of the seductive but possibly shallow lover versus the dutiful but dull spouse. It’s a cliché, but the archetypes are hard to ignore. You have Sun/Venus/South Node in exciting and rebellious Aquarius opposite Moon/Ceres/North Node in stately Leo. The official spouse has the winning hand though, so give up gracefully if you are the master/mistress!
In the mundane world, there could be some so-called ‘s**t shaming’ which is such an ugly term. However Leo decan 2 is mouthy and I can’t see the official Queen going down without a fight. This works also in the business world too where a boss might want a rebrand and replace their scruffy old (But wise) staff with shiny new hipsters. Again, this Lunar Eclipse means any forced redundancies will be very vocal about their plight.
Another possibility at this Lunar Eclipse is an attempt to replace a lovely old building with some modern carbuncle. The environment theme will ensure there will be protests at any schemes that are not in keeping with the rest of the town’s architecture. The victorious solution will have nature and classical proportions on its side. This is not an eclipse for jagged and bony high-tech but for yielding feline and curvacious landscapes.
In the January Lunar Eclipse Video version, I talk about the ethnic connection to the land, local diets, transient people, my DNA test results, the 13th tribe, blue bloods and just who ARE those mysterious ‘elites’?
Lunar Eclipse January 2018 Times
Los Angeles January 31 ~ 5.26am
New York January 31 ~ 8.26am
London January 31 ~ 1.26pm
Rome January 31 ~ 2.26pm
Sydney February 1 ~ 0.26am