Capricorn decan 3 is ruled by the Sun and Mercury (Virgo Triplicity). The Sun takes noble strides through the constellations of the Harp, Peacock, Eagle, Fox, Archer and the Indian from January 11 to 20. This decan successfully combines artistic and musical ability with a great business mind. These arty goats are aspirational and think very highly of themselves, but don’t brag about their talents.
Capricorn Decan 3 general meaning
They are far too elegant for that brash type of behaviour and they will always have enough admirers to blow their trumpet for them. Capricorn decan 3 just know they come from a higher place; Whether its a royal castle, a spiritual mountain or even an alien starship. They feel connected to the “gods” up there but can equally feel the same connection with spirituality in nature.
These folk have an ‘All seeing eye’ because of their elevated perspective and have great vision. They can see far into the future as well as far into the past. Their focus may be more in evaluating history than looking to the future, however. They know so well where they and others are coming from, that they can actually make very accurate predictions as to the likely outcome of an event. This is why they are often so successful in business.
Noble Savages & All Seeing Eyes
These goats are often underestimated because often they are just too aesthetically pleasing. The really beautiful ones are either feared or treated as bimbos. Capricorn decan 3 have a natural understated charm, and refined sense of dress (Unless Uranus is in aspect to the AC, see Russell Brand!). Gaudy, cheap materials are not for them. Capricorns work hard for everything that comes to them.
Even if we have the Peacock here, Capricorn decan 3 generally dress to impress, but in a very classy way, wearing expensive natural fibres, silks and really well-cut suits. The clothes won’t be trendy, may not even be designer, but will be made by a well-trusted tailor or seamstress who has been working in the neighbourhood for 40 years. Some of them make their own clothes, even in this day and age.
Capricorn decan 3 are incredibly cunning; they play with words and are delightful storytellers. Of course, this can make brilliant liars too. They can spin a yarn, draw you in and before you know it, you are caught up in their spider web of fables. They are like a living, breathing, historical soap opera. Their love life is a cliff-hanger and you are always left wanting more. These folk are in touch with nature and its myths.
Delightful Storytellers

The passing down of stories told around the fire, by generations before them is especially appealing and they feel they are called to continue this lineage.
Seeing the overview of history, and having the ability of the storyteller, means that this zone breeds filmmakers, conceptual artists, soundtrack music writers and photographers. Even if they are not employed in these professions they will like to capture images or sounds for posterity.
The tarot card associated with Capricorn Decan 3 is the four of pentacles. “Fear of scarcity is often related to The Four of Pentacles so you may worry unnecessarily about money if you have come from a background of poverty. This leads you to hoard or penny-pinch, even when you have enough money.”
This card supports the general tenacity of the goat, nothing is thrown out if it can be renovated, and if something has to be binned it will be recycled or given to charity. “The Four of Pentacles is a positive and welcome card for savings, investments or retirement plans. It indicates that you are accumulating goods, wealth and possibly even power. Your financial situation has been steadfastly growing over a period of time (many lifetimes) but this is not by chance or even pure luck.” ~ teachmetarot.
Capricorn Decan 3 Fixed Stars
Capricorn 21º 55’ ~ Sulaphat in Lyra the harp 3.3*
Capricorn 22º 30’ ~ Beta Pavo in the Peacock 3.6
Capricorn 23º 28’ ~ Deneb Okab in the wing of Aquilla the Eagle 3.4
Capricorn 23º 49’ ~ Alpha Pavo in the Peacock 2.1
Capricorn 24º 39’ ~ Vulpecula I in the Fox. 4.6
Capricorn 25º 51’ ~ Terebellum in the hindquarter of the horse in Sagittarius. 4.8
Capricorn 27º 47’ ~ Beta Indus in the Indian 3.7
Capricorn 29º 06’ ~ Alpha Indus in the Indian 3.2
Capricorn 29º 31’ ~ Anser in Vulpecula in the Fox 4.6
Star positions for the year 2000. * Magnitude.
Sulaphat 21º is from the Arabic As-Sulahfah which means “tortoise”. This refers to the tortoiseshell found by Hermes which he fashioned into a musical instrument. “Lyra is like Venus and Mercury. It is said to give a harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art, but inclined to theft.” Depending on what planet one has here it would indeed suggest musical ability, but also the ability to lie and cheat. Sulaphat is situated in the claws of the Vulture that is sometimes depicted in the illustrations of this constellation. The Vulture holds the harp.
STARS Continued in eBook & members only
Capricorn Decan 3 Planets & Angles
Sun Capricorn 3
The danger here is focusing totally on gaining as much material wealth in possibly quite a ruthless manner. You can see in the list of natives where a loss of moral code has led to domination and excessive cruelty. (Al Capone, Harold Shipman and Herman Goering.) Used for the greater good, however, the influence of this refined, elevated intellect combined with artistic gifts and business savvy can last generations. Their creations are timeless, so as a result, they do not date.
This energy can be elevated when the native has a mission away from merely amassing a heap of pentacles. Holding onto wealth will not bring these folk happiness. Soon enough Sun Capricorn 3 realise this and then aim to rally others into working with altruistic motives.
Sometimes the path away from earthy power is endlessly winding with many wrong turnings, but the journey is often highly entertaining. These folk will be able to entertain you with tales of their adventures and setbacks, which serve as illustrative fables for generations to come.