Constellation Aries The Ram

The ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians and Greeks all referred to the constellation Aries as the Ram. The Greek Myth tells the tale of the King of Thessaly’s two children who, abused by their evil stepmother were rescued by a ram with a golden fleece sent by the god Hermes. Unfortunately the daughter lost her grip and fell to her death. The Ram intent on it’s mission, continued and successfully brought the male child to safety.  

Right from the start we see that the heroic masculine traits are dominant here. The Ram did not consider to stop and save the fallen child, (thus possibly jeopardising the safety of the one on this back,) but stayed focused. We can interpret this is a shedding of the feminine traits ie, compassion in order to complete a mission for the good of all.

Short term tough love for long term gain. The Greek God Ares is also the Roman version of Mars. And we all know Mars’s macho attributes. Even variants of the word Ram, “ramming something in” and to “butt out” are all aggressive. Ares can be the valiant warrior and hero, but seem callous in it’s single mindedness also.

At the same time of course there are the sexual connotation of “ramming”. 2000 years ago the vernal equinox began at Aries and so kicked off rest of the zodiac being the phallic number one. Spring we think of as fertile, when the sap rises and we start to feel frisky again after the winter slumber “Old Norse hrutr, ‘ram’; hurtle is another relative.” [1] explains the speed and impulsiveness of Aries. The eagerness to bud and bloom. The force of nature thrusting it into action.

The Stars of Aries

The stars in Aries are in order of importance, Hamal (in the head), Sheraton and Mesarthim (in the horns) a pair known as the protecting pair, or “butters“, makes me think of buttress and Botein (in the tail). They are all supposed to have a Saturn/Mars influence.

The stars of Aries are pretty extreme when looked at them traditionally; On Hamal ~ 7º 40′ Taurus “It causes violence brutishness, cruelty and premeditated crime.” [2] For Sheratan  ~ 3º 58′ Taurus we get “Daredevils and bold, danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy way.” [3]. With Mesarthim ~ 3º 11′ Taurus it “shows up more of the protective-administrative quality, less of the impulsive aggressive” [4]

The Alpha, and therefore most important star of this constellation is Hamal. In the chart of my close friends and family, it’s influence seem to be one of rivalry. This can be with siblings, a need to compete for affection from the parents, which then translates in the wider world as having to be the best!

There also seems to be a competitiveness in love, maybe unconsciously going for married men or women in order to validate their self-worth by winning someone over. Sometimes they can be promiscuous because they need the notches on the bed post to feel special. Also there seems to be a marked diminishing of passion once they have wooed and bedded their conquest.

Ptolemy claimed Hamal with Venus may “denote abnormal sexual behavior”. I would say this just mean the huge sex drive and a proclivity for experimentation, maybe a touch of kinkiness. I can testify to this from a couple I know who BOTH have Venus on Hamal. They are rampant! Generally I find Aries as a whole is driven by sex and they certainly fit the description “Hot”.

Hamal Natives (1 deg Orb)

Rising. Robert Kennedy, Rowan Atkinson, Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode. With Sun. Debbie Harry, Chris Morris, Erin Brochovich, Paula Abdul. With Moon. Julie Waters, Sandie Shaw. With Venus. Hitler, Bono, John Kennedy, Siouxie Soux, Alison Goldfrapp. With Mars. Ewan MacGregor.

The constellation of Aries is now between 0 – 21 degrees tropical Taurus. The Sun is in constellation Aries from April 20 –  May 11. The Sun conjuncts Sheratan around April 24 and Hamal around April 28. So if your birthday is around then and you don’t feel like your average Venus-ruled, placid Taurean you’ll know why!


1. Constellation Of Words – Aries.
2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923 p. 170
3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.18.
4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.33.