Aries Decan 1 ~ Mar 21 to 31

Aries decan 1 is ruled by Mars (Aries triplicity). They are the newborn babies of the zodiac, coming out into the world kicking, screaming and bawling their eyes out. The Sun struts its way through constellation Pegasus, the Sea Monster, the Lizard, the Pendulum clock and the King from roughly March 21 – 31 or more accurately from 0º to 10º Aries.

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These impulsive souls try everything at once and grab with both hands. They want it all and they want it now. Of course, they do, they are the start of a brand new cycle. Everything is fresh, new, shiny and bouncy. These people are natural leaders, warriors, front-line fighters and trailblazers. They have to be the first, best, biggest and bling-est. Gone is the water and the empathy of the previous decan, these folk are so sharply focused on their goals they find it very hard to see their peers right next to them.

Aries Decan 1 Fixed Stars

Aries 1º 03’ ~ Kerb in the upper leg of Pegasus 4.6 *
Aries 2º 35’ ~ Deneb Kaitos in the tail of Cetus the Sea Monster 2.2
Aries 4º 37’ ~ Eta Horologium in the Pendulum Clock 5.2
Aries 7º 28’ ~ Alpha Reticulum in the Star Measurer 3.3
Aries 8º 09’ ~ Alpha Lacerta in Lacerta the Lizard 3.8
Aries 8º 39′ ~ Beta Lacerta in Lacerta the Lizard. 4.5
Aries 9º 09’ ~ Algenib in the tip of the wing of Pegasus 2.9
Aries 9º 42’ ~ Erakis in the right ear of Cepheus the King 4.1

*Magnitude. Star positions for the year 2000.

That is until one should try and overtake them, then it’s “Outta my way!!” Yes, road rage was probably first invented by a flame-headed Aries 1 on a flying horse. “To boldly go” is Aries 1’s motto. Jump first and think later, this is why these subjects gain the reputation of scandals, accidents and rash decisions. Pegasus’s daring ideas and vision become far more physical here in Aries.

To Boldly Go & Red Ambition

Unlike Pisces decan 3, these subjects do not get stuck up in their ivory towers. After they have captured their Pegasus stardust they swing right back down to earth. These people are lusty, red-blooded and fully present in their physical body, which they really cannot wait to ‘put it about’. Aries decan 1’s sap is rising and eager to start ‘ramming’. The ramming can also be a sexual or competitive butting of horns in the business world.

These natives throw out a great sales pitch due to their gift for oratory. This means they are totally comfortable on stage, taking a leadership role and sitting at the head of the table. Sometimes these people will campaign forcefully for or against certain sexual/gender rights….


The tarot card associated with this decan is the two of wands. Karmically this card is about leaving the old for the new, deciding between staying with what you know and leaving for something brand new

“ On the outside, it may appear you have it all and are very successful but changes have been occurring on the inside for some time. You may have a new plan of action or a burning desire to do something else. You may feel that your fires have been burning low and that you are in dire need of a new lease of life, change of scenery or change of faces.” ~ Teachmetarot. The meaning is appropriate in the sense that Aries decan 1 is indeed the start of a brand new cycle and the return of the sun.

Despite their Diva reputation, a dressing room filled with pink kittens is a small price to pay for the fabulous night they are guaranteed to give you. Stars in the truest sense, they have so much energy that they never disappoint, one watches with awe at their utter professionalism when they work.

Business is when their sharp focus comes so good. Unlike their Piscean neighbours, a crying child in the corner does not distract Aries decan 1 from their script, oh no…so now they are being called selfish again. But it is this very singular vision that works best in accident and emergency. The Aries nurse, quite rightly, needs to attend those who are unconscious, and not be swayed by those who are fit enough to scream the loudest.

Aries 1 Fixed Stars meanings *

KERB ~ 1º is in Pegasus’s sexy thigh (If a horse’s thigh can be deemed sexy.) and suggestive of Aries’s famous precocious sex drive. Unfortunately, this stars only interpretation is “Danger of being jilted by a lover”. Presumably, this is something to do with Pegasus’s rider being ‘jilted’ off his back. Rams make intense romantic partners, so they stand less chance of being “jilted” if they back off from their beloveds every once in a while.

Their psychic heat is enough to burn those close to them to a crisp if they stay too close for too long. Robson says the Pegasus constellation, in general, gives “ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and bad judgment.” Being around these folk can be quite exhausting if you are not a fellow fire sign.

FIXED STARS Continued in eBook & members only

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Aries Decan 1 Planets & Angles

Sun Aries 1

Deneb Kaitos 2º ~ “Mental disturbance, some loss keenly felt, accidents such as burns, scalds and cuts” [2]
Algenib 9º ~ “Mental disturbances, fevers, and ill health, some danger of accidents.” [3] And “A fighting spirit and a love of learning.” [1]

If some of the celebrities above have “mental disturbances” they hide it very well. In some cases though, it is obvious (Van Gogh). Other celebrities here specialize in portraying those with mental disturbances, (Tarantino and some of the actors.), some just look mental (Gaga.) and some study those with mental disorders (Reich and Fromm). Aries does rule the head and the stars here are extremely intense so the heat can build up in the brain if it is not expressed creatively.

It seems that the great success of some of these natives is due to successful channeling of this fierce Aries/solar passion that builds within. There are some really great female songbirds here whose voices probably saved them from a life of accidents and trouble-making. Here they have the opportunity of expressing their passion and fire through singing. The challenge of the difficult fixed stars is only evident if the Sun is closely conjunct the star (under 1º) otherwise the Sun is actually in its exaltation in Aries which gives these fearless warriors some protection from those they whiz past on the way to the top.

These folk can indeed “Boldly go forth” without too much trouble. However, if Sun Aries 1 does make the mistake of going too far with the single-minded pursuit of their desires, then the possibility of Pegasus’s fall will catch up with them eventually.

Sun Aries 1 Examples: Vincent Van Gogh, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Keira Knightley, Gary Oldman, Quentin Tarantino, Warren Beatty, Dirk Bogarde, Joan Crawford, Steve McQueen, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Jessica Parker, Elle MacPherson, Timothy Dalton, Rolf Harris, Elton John, Lady Gaga, Aretha Franklin, Jessie J, Norah Jones, Mariah Carey, Chaka Khan, Diana Ross, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Fergie (singer), Eric Clapton, Damon Albarn, Vangélis, M. C Hammer, Dane Rudhyar, Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm, Michael York, Robbie Coltrane, Erica Jong, Gloria Steinem, Neil Kinnock, Anita Byrant, Richard Dawkins, Tennessee Williams, Ayrton Senna, Guccio Gucci, Bill/Hillary Clinton Davison, Douglas/Zeta-Jones Davison.


Aries eBooks

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1. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.12.
2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923 pg 162
3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923 pg 122

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