Virgo decan 1 is ruled by the Sun in the Chaldean system and Mercury (Virgo) by triplicity. The sun navigates through the constellations of the Great bear, the Dragon and the Sextans from August 23 to September 2.Virgo decan 1 is an odd section of the zodiac since it carries mostly stars that are far from the ecliptic except for just one alpha star in Sextans. Virgo decan 1 runs from 0º up to 10º Virgo.
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These people are a little more ‘far out’ than your average Virgos, some of them almost flip over to their opposite in Pisces. These seers usually develop their sensitivity after a period of suffering, dutiful caring and even after a broken heart. You will see that none of the stars here are particularly easy or ‘fun’ in any sense at all.
Virgo Decan 1 Fixed Stars
Virgo 00º 29′ ~ Phecda in the rump of Ursa Major the Great Bear. 2.5*
Virgo 01º 04′ ~ Megrez in Ursa Major the Great Bear. 3.4
Virgo 03º 40′ ~ El Kophrah in the hind quarters of Ursa Minor the Great Bear. 3.8
Virgo 04º 07′ ~ Alpha Sextans in the Sextant of Uranae. 4.5
Virgo 06º 13’ ~ Spindle Galaxy Sextans. Super massive Black Hole. 8.8
Virgo 06º 39′ ~ Alula Borealis in the hind foot of Ursa Major the Great Bear. 3.7
Virgo 07º 21′ ~ Alula Australis in the hind foot of Ursa Major the Great Bear. 3.9
Virgo 07º 21′ ~ Thuban in the tail of Draco the Dragon. 3.6
Virgo 08º 56′ ~ Alioth in the root of the tail of Ursa Major the Great Bear. 1.7
*Magnitude. Star positions for the year 2000.
Virgo Decan 1 general Meaning
It doesn’t mean that these folk are always dour or miserable, (though some can be fantastic Victor Meldrews) they just won’t be your ‘happy-clappy’ type. Instead, Virgo decan 1 has an ironic, dry sense of humour. They are also good at turning very tragic situations into something humorous.
“There is a violent, brooding, malignant side to this area that can manifest in aggression, cruelty and malevolence. Set against tropical Virgo’s equally strong will-to-good, these stars force clear good-or-evil choices on their heirs. It would be well for those born under them to choose their philosophy with care, for once a belief is adopted, it is likely to be followed to the end” [1]
Diana K Rosenberg also notes that the stars between 6-8º Virgo have a Saturn/Neptune flavour which I would say goes for the whole of this decan. The Sextans is used for navigating Neptune’s sometimes treacherous waters which means these Virgo sailors maintain a healthy level of scepticism alongside their mysticism.
Guardian Angels, Persephones & Seers
They are hands-on-healers, practical magicians and phenomenal list makers. All their discoveries are carefully catalogued and any collections they have are lovingly maintained. But if they can’t be super-neat then they will be super-slovenly. No dimmer switches here! Most of the stars in Virgo decan 1 are in the maternal mother bear. So there is a nursing quality here too. They can very easily become martyrs though and have to watch that they don’t become so self-sacrificial, that they lose themselves entirely.
Virgo decan 1 can become very drained by others because they have difficulty saying “no”. It’s ironic really, these folk who are so good at organising others and categorising items, find it difficult to place limits for themselves. When their energy is totally depleted they then become resentful and bitter.
This is when typical critical Virgo can go over the top with unleashing harsh and hurtful words to their mates. They blame others for the consequences of their own failure to set clear boundaries. Virgo decan 1, like Virgo as a whole, can find they are easy prey for energy vampires because of their knee-jerk reaction to be of service.
Virgo 1 Tarot Card

The tarot card associated with this decan is the 8 of pentacles. This is a card of commitment and craftmanship. Karmically this will be a life where one pays a lot of attention to detail and completing tasks. Education and scholarships are important and it is about giving something back. In this life however the native must learn.
“You may be working hard to build a secure future for you and your partner or family. Make sure you remember to go home regularly and make some time for fun and social activities. The type of person you are, leaves you exposed and vulnerable to becoming a workaholic. If you let this happen, then it may very well destroy your lovely relationship. You must work hard at striking the right balance. (This life) you can have both you know!” ~ teachmetarot.
Virgo is the Ceres/Persephone archetype and in some versions of the myth, Persephone willingly goes down to the underworld because she empathises so strongly with the cries of the dying. This is also why Virgo decan 1 is so good at medicating those who are grieving. They become the opiate for their patients, friends, lovers, children, parents and any neighbourhood strays.
When they come out of the Underworld, earn their crown and become their own sovereign, then they can work as counsellors helping others make the transition from addiction to enlightenment. The Sphinx is a good symbol of this Sun-ruled decan which carries over some of the traits of Leo. The half-lion/half-lady depicts the successful blending of the two energies.
The fixed star Regulus has now precessed into this decan, but I haven’t included it in the list below. It does not change the nature of the star Regulus itself, this influence will be felt more on the decan. I think Regulus will add more to the importance of gaining one’s sovereignty by being in this decan.
Virgo Decan 1 Fixed Stars *
Phecda 0º “In conjunction with planetary malefics, it is said that this star is a possible cause of “a great bloodbath”. In conjunction with Neptune and provided relevant configurations with Moon, Venus and Mars are present, it is an indication of a pathological sex nature.” Phecda alongside Megrez 1º and Alioth 8º at the end of this decan are three of the seven stars of the famous big dipper. This is one of the most easily recognisable sights in the night sky.
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Virgo Decan 1 Planets & Angles
Sun Virgo 1
Thuban 7º ~ “One who finds, collects or gives a treasure. To instinctively collect information or things, the need to avoid meanness with your knowledge or resources. A national treasure receives attention.” [4]
Usually, this placement is one of humble service with an intense dedication and thoroughness in their life’s purpose. These folk are very hard workers tend not to have a large ego unless other factors in their chart suggest this. Their perfectionism and excellence mean that they can rise very high in their chosen career, but they don’t really feel comfortable with praise.
Modesty is one of their best traits, but they can sometimes be too self-deprecating. The Sun rules this decan in the Chaldean system, but its brightness is used not to shine for itself, but rather to throw the spotlight onto the talents of others.
Sun Virgo 1 feels it is their duty to elevate the less fortunate and with these underdogs they have infinite patience. However, when it comes to their personal life it can be quite a different story. Unfortunately, Sun Virgo 1’s high standards mean that they can actually be hypercritical of those they love the most.
The criticism is meant to be constructive and is done out of love and care, but offense is often taken if the partner is very sensitive. The problem is also that Sun Virgo 1 expect their partners to be their equal in terms of perfection. Virgo Sun 1 can punish themselves too severely if they fail to make the grade, and again those closest to them can also bare the brunt of this frustration.
This decan has to beware of becoming the opiate for those that it helps and totally draining themselves in service to strangers. Though their devotion is admirable, Sun Virgo 1 often finds that they have no tolerance left in caring for their own family. Relationships can suffer because of this and sometimes these folk find they are better off alone.