Solar Eclipse January 2019 ~ All Seeing Eye


The New Moon Solar Eclipse 5 January 2019 falls at 15º Capricorn. The Solar eclipse is a partial one and the eclipse path will be mainly seen in northeast Asia. The New Moon January astrology has the Moon aligned with poetic and musical fixed star Vega found in Lyra the Harp.

It is a romantic one too as it is sextile Neptune. The tarot card associated with Capricorn Decan 2 is the three of pentacles a card associated with architecture and craftsmanship. So this is a great solar eclipse for creativity inspired by a muse.

Solar Eclipse January 2019 Star ~ Vega

Moon with Vega 14º Capricorn ~ “Public disgrace, probably through forgery, loss through writings, some ill-health, success in business, gain through an annuity or pension.” [3] “A compassionate leader; someone who cares. To be focused on humanitarian issues. Hight expectations; seeking a saviour.” [4]

Solar Eclipse January 2019and “It gives beneficence, ideality, hopefulness, refinement and changeability, and makes its natives grave, sober, outwardly pretentious and usually lascivious.” The Ebertins bring out the artistic side saying:

“In a good cosmic configuration, Vega is supposed to give artistic talents especially for music and acting, but also a liking for good living. With eccentric artists, this may lead to a debauched life. Vega is said to pave the way to riches and fame. In connection with the Moon…a tendency for occult and mysticism may be given.” [1]

I have written a whole post on Vega so here are my keywords:

Blood is thicker than water, family honor, loyalty, musical, theatrical, arty and crafty, waxes lyrical, charming the birds from the trees, pied piper, paying the piper, songbirds, lullaby, lair, aspiring, social climbers, class-conscious, divas, wannabes, fans, stalkers, admirers, high status, flash cars, impressive, political clout, gangsters, grasping, publicity hungry, media whores, ancestral talents, dynasties, forging, faking, plastic surgery, perfection, idealism, the pinnacle of success, snobbery, rags to riches, riches to rags, thieving, criminal activity, torture, punishment, law unto themselves.

When I studied Vega and Lyra in depth I found they were definitely associated with wealth and a tad of pretentiousness. It fits very well with the aspirational mountain-climbing goat. But tropical Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so we get a doubling of the planet’s more severe and authoritarian side, which makes for a great policeman. Stars of the constellation Sagittarius in general “soften tigers, rid the lion of his fierceness, speak to the elephant… has lordship over beasts. And because it carries a shaft poised on a drawn bow, it imparts strength to limb and keenness to the intellect, swiftness of movement, and an indefatigable spirit.”[2] Again this just emphasises law and order or the civilisation of the errant criminal or savage!

The 2nd Face Of Capricorn

“A man with a common ape in front of him. This is a face of seeking to do what cannot be done and to attain what cannot be” ~ Picatrix

Artwork ‘Inspiration’ & ‘Whisperer” kindly supplied by J Swofford at and JSwoffordArtandPhoto

Solar Eclipse January 2019

Solar Eclipse January Aspect ~ Sextile Neptune

In an eclipse, the energy of the Sun must also be considered as well as the Moon so we will look at the Sun also:
Sun sextile Neptune can be a wonderfully glamorous, charismatic, musical, poetic and highly imaginative combination… that comes with a price! It brings a touch of the childlike trickster to already nebulous Neptune. It gives this solar eclipse January an enchanting duplicity, a kind of Peter-Pan quality.

Their imagination is kooky and poetic with a surreal edge. The developing, blossoming feeling of the sextile can bring out the more deceptive qualities of Neptune however because the energies are unformed and unstable. Things can change with Neptune’s tide at any moment. It could give those touched by this solar eclipse a charming wit which lends itself to creative tale-telling! At this time we feel like excitable romantics with a tendency to worship our lovers.

Moon sextile Neptune makes one extremely devoted to our lover for the next six months, but we will need to be careful our longing to merge doesn’t leave us with no sense of self whatsoever. The solar eclipse energy will work best when we put this great devotion into an all-consuming passion, Ie; An artistic project, spiritual practice or best of all, working to transform the lives of the sick and needy. Moon sextile Neptune takes the fantasy element of Neptune and tries to build a utopia. There is a budding saviour quality about it and is in tune with the common people’s hope and dreams. The nurturing side of the moon can take on a transpersonal role in mothering the world.

Solar Eclipse January 2019 ~ Summary

Building a dream was the first phrase that came to mind when I read the Neptune aspect to the very constructive Capricorn energy. But the star Vega is one of contradiction as it has the dreamy romantic energy but also a very fiercely protective and authoritarian one too. Artists agents or rock star managers have a very Vega energy about them as they may not have great artistic talent themselves, but they can certainly seeSolar Eclipse January 2019 it in others.

Film directors are also great at organising and containing their temperamental and sometimes diva-esque actors and artistes. Glamour is a big theme but also using it in a way that is very much like magic, as a way to psychologically control others. Advertising is also a very Vega-type energy. I would also say propaganda too as Pluto is widely conjunct this Solar Eclipse too. However, with Neptune fogging things and adding some shimmer it doesn’t feel like propaganda at all.

You are willingly falling under Neptune’s spell, like when you take drugs you do know you are under the influence to some extent. Enablers can become very bewitched under the influence of this solar eclipse and there is also an amount of delusion in relationships too. The best use of this Solar eclipse January 2019 Astrology would be to entice your beloved with dedicating songs to them, serenade and seduce with beautiful art inspired by them. They will be so flattered and you will melt their hearts if you have planets connected with this solar eclipse.

Remember the effects of a solar eclipse last 6 months you have plenty of time to be inspired by your muse. If you have no art that you can dive into you might find it very hard to keep your feet on the ground. If you find yourself on the receiving end of such adoration just be careful that this person isn’t going to drop you like a hot brick once they have got their wicked way with you. This is a classic Solar Eclipse for ‘love bombing. There is also the feeling of taming a wild heart by reciting romantic poetry to it. This is an eclipse where beautiful art can heal and console a raw and tender heart.

A romantic, glamorous and inspiring one with a touch of Peter pan and some hard knocks from Saturn ruled Capricorn. No rants on this one, will saved that for separate Christmas video!
1. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.75-
2 Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 4, p.341
3 Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology. Robson*, p.217.
4.Star & Planet Combinations. Bernadette Brady. p. 245.
5.The Crystal Bible. Judy Hall p. 174